4 Things You Should Look For In Your Probiotic Supplement

4 Things You Should Look For In Your Probiotic Supplement

You may not realize that more than 70% of your immune system's cells live in your gut. As a vital network of cells, organs, and tissues, your immune system protects you from diseases caused by harmful bacteria and other harmful organisms. The benefits of having a robust immune system can include feeling your best, getting sick less often, improving your cardiovascular health, lowering your blood pressure, and more. Research indicates that our gut microbiome affects our immune health, rendering its maintenance an increasingly important aspect of overall health.

It's not over yet...

You may also experience effects on other systems in your body if you take good care of your gut. Gut health is now widely recognized as one of your best options for overall health. Many studies show that our gut is more complex than we previously thought. Your gut is closely correlated to your immune system. Still, it is also closely correlated to most of your body's systems. Therefore, whatever health issues you are experiencing are likely to be linked to the state of your gut bacteria.

It is undeniable that gut health affects far more than just our digestive health, especially when it comes to skin issues, fatigue, bloating, and depression. There has been a lot of discussion about gut/mind connections lately, and for a good reason!

Poor gut health can be spotted by the following signs.

Let's take a look at a few signs of poor gut health:

  • Sleeping poorly
  • Excessive fatigue or anxiety
  • Muscle weakness
  • Skin irritation
  • Unexpected weight fluctuation
  • Emotional, physical, or mental stress
  • Food sensitivities and diarrhea 
  • Constantly sick

What can you do to treat these symptoms?

Healthy lifestyle changes can help improve the health of your gut, just as they can improve most other health concerns. In addition to rest, plenty of water, exercise, and self-care, you should eat fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, beans, seeds, and lean proteins. In fact, when your gut is suffering from an unbalanced microbiota, you might not feel suitable for some time before you feel better again.

Trying to make these healthy changes in our lives often leads to people turning to supplements to speed up the process and support their guts.


You can boost your body's immune system and rebalance your gut flora with a high-quality probiotic supplement. They accomplish this by reintroducing the most critical "friendly bacteria" strains back into your body. Our gut flora contains both good and bad bacteria. Our gut flora is balanced when more good bacteria than harmful bacteria are. A probiotic is a good bacteria that our gut needs to remain healthy.

Our bodies absorb nutrients and digest food with the help of beneficial bacteria. These bacteria can be found in foods as well as supplements. Probiotics, also called good bacteria, are found in fermented foods.


A probiotic is a living microorganism that can help boost "good" bacteria in your gut and several other health benefits when ingested in the right amounts.

Several probiotic strains can be found in dietary supplements and certain foods, including the LA-14 strains found in Aclivia Probiotics.

Aclivia Probiotics helps rebalance gut health by slowing down the growth of nasty bacteria resulting from environmental factors and unhealthful lifestyle choices in its revolutionary postbiotic form. It contains prebiotics that nourishes the probiotics in the gut and a revolutionary prebiotic that feeds probiotics.

In recent years, gut-boosting supplements have gained so much popularity, but they are really starting to catch on in 2022. Many people are becoming aware of probiotics' benefits for the digestive system and mental health.

Physical well-being leads to mental well-being. We begin to notice the connection between mind and spirit when we pay attention to our bodies.



Unless your gut bacteria can colonize, healthy bacteria will not do much good for you. Several strains of probiotics are highly survivable, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus Plantarum, Bifidobacterium bifidum, and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Having a variety of probiotics to choose from is helpful to ensure the strain that best suits your body is accessible.


You should also include prebiotics in your diet if you are serious about gut health. Prebiotics promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut. The prebiotics actually feeds the postbiotics and make them stronger. In addition to supporting healthy digestion and immunity, prebiotic foods prepare the body to absorb probiotic strains. Turmeric, pumpkin seeds, raw chicory root, dandelion greens, hemp seeds, ginger, chia seeds, flax seeds, garlic, leeks, and onions, among prebiotic foods.


Our Aclivia Probiotics are a high-quality supplement containing prebiotics and probiotics (often referred to as synbiotics). Combining these two gut-boosting approaches to balancing gut bacteria is a match made in heaven since multiple strains of probiotics work optimally in your gut. We know that prebiotics help strengthens postbiotics' benefits, so you will benefit the most from gut health by combining them.


In addition to probiotic supplements, your body may benefit from other ingredients that play a role in their absorption. For instance, we've included a prebiotic bacteriophage complex in our 40 Billion Probiotics supplement designed to prepare your gut for healthy probiotic bacteria to colonize and flourish.


To actually be a "true" probiotic, a supplement must meet several requirements, and you won't find this information on a label. These requirements include:

  • An isolated strain of human-origin bacteria
  • Surviving its journey through your gut to colonize
  • Clinically validated to show health benefits

As a matter of fact, many of the items on the shelves today don't even meet this definition. Then why do we spend so much money on them? Exactly. Our hesitation to take probiotic supplements unless they are absolutely necessary is because of this. Our preference is to recommend probiotic-containing foods, such as kefir (especially this!), Greek yogurt, fermented vegetables, miso, etc. Probiotic supplements can't provide you with these benefits, such as vitamins, minerals, and beneficial byproducts of fermentation. In our opinion, supplementing with them would be a better choice for your money.

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